Memoirs By: Me
Everyone has a story to tell!

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Articles on Writing Memoirs

How to Write :: Getting Published

Getting Published

Hire a Proofreader
Do not try to proof your own work. You are too close to the manuscript and will miss some typographical errors. You need a professional with fresh eyes to proof your work. Read more.

Covers Sell Books
Packaging is everything. Each year, corporations spend more than $50 billion on product packaging and design. $50 billion, not for the products themselves or for the wrapper but $50 billion just for the design of the wrapper. Read more.

Activities for Senior Citizens
Activities for Senior Citizens like conveying personal stories, experiences and memories through Storytelling and Life Story Writing can bring enjoyment, satisfaction and closure in the last stage of life. Read more.

Learn of the Many Ways to Share Your Story
Keeping a personal journal/diary; Maintaining Correspondence; Creating a Scrapbook; Posting your story on the web; Creating a Memoirs By: Me Album; Publishing a Book. Read more.

I Have a Dream...Now Where Do I Print It?
What's the difference between traditional publishing, vanity publishing, self-publishing, and print-on-demand? If you are a writer with a finished manuscript, these terms can make your head spin. All you want to do is get your work published, but now that the writing is done, you find yourself faced with some difficult questions... Read more.

Four Steps to Self-Publishing Success
The Celestine Prophecy sold over 100,000 copies as a self-published title before Warner bought it for $800,000. The diminutive, 60-page The Christmas Box moved so briskly that Rick Evans was able to sell rights to Simon & Schuster for $4.2 million. Other titles on the role of self-publishing successes include Life’s Little Instruction Book, The One-Minute Manager, and What Color is Your Parachute. The role also bears the names of superstar fiction authors John Grisham, Piers Anthony and L. Ron Hubbard. Read more.

How to Write

Writing Life Story: A Matter of Time
Why haven't you started your memoirs yet? In a recent poll at Memoirs By: Me the number one answer for not doing so was "time". That doesn't really surprise me. After all, there seems to always be places to go, people to see, and things to do. How can we possibly add one more thing to our plate. I understand, I'm in the same boat myself. Read more.

How Do You Write an Autobiography?
Q: “How do you eat an elephant?” A: “One bite at a time.” Well, that is how you approach writing an autobiography or memoir…one bite at a time. Read more.

Memoirs: The Novel Approach to Facts
One of the reasons for the extraordinary rise of interest in the memoir in the past few years - both as a literary genre and as a bestselling commodity - is that readers believe they are getting a true story. But at the same time, truth in memoir is turning out to be a disturbingly slippery creature. Read more.

Write a Memoir to Remember
An interesting life and excellent writing are key to a compelling memoir. Learn the elements that will help make your story stand out from the rest of the pack. Read more.

Hire a Ghostwriter
It’s been quite a life. I fled China for Taiwan under the cover of darkness when Mao took hold. I helped support Navy fleets heading across the Atlantic from Newfoundland in support of Great Britain early in World War II. I worked as an engineer for MCI and made millions from a simple trade show business before “retiring” by age 39. Read more.

What are the Qualifications for Writing an Autobiography or Memoir?
An autobiography is an account of the series of events making up your life, usually starting from birth and going forward chronologically. A biography is about any person whereas an autobiography is about you. An autobiography and a memoir are essentially the same. Like an autobiography a memoir is an account of the author's personal experiences. Memoirs usually just cover a period in one's life as opposed to the whole span found in an autobiography. Read more.

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How To Write ::  Suggested Chapters ::  Creative Writing Prompts ::  Journal Writing Prompts ::  Writing Exercises ::  Memoir Writing Tips ::  Ghostwriting ::  Get Published  :: Keep a Journal  :: Write a Letter  :: Make a Picture Scrapbook  :: Submit Your Story  :: Create an MBM Album  :: Publish a Book  :: First Visit to "The Old City"  :: Down Memory Lane  :: America  :: A Star is Born  :: Unconscious Truth  :: I was Touched by an Angel  :: The Middle Child  :: Dad  :: The Music Man  :: Two Dreams  :: 911  :: Once a Man, Twice a Child  :: Mission Space  :: The Night Before Christmas  :: Snow Hill Sniper  :: I Laid My Head in My Mother's Lap  :: Electroboy  :: The Glass Castle "Everyone has a story to tell!"
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